
Based in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin in France, Garcia Yachts is a renowned name in the world of sailing yachts. With decades of experience and a dedicated team of craftsmen, Garcia Yachts has built a solid reputation as a manufacturer of high quality sailing yachts. What sets Garcia Yachts apart from the competition is the unique selling points, which provide an unparalleled experience to sailing enthusiasts around the world.

First, Garcia Yachts is known for the uncompromising quality and craftsmanship. Every sailing yacht that leaves the yard is the result of careful design and construction, using only the best materials. The yachts are durable, reliable and built to withstand the most challenging sailing conditions.

Another distinguishing feature of Garcia Yachts is the focus on customization. The company understands that every sailor has unique needs and preferences, which is why Garcia Yachts offers extensive customization options. Customers can fully customize their yachts to suit their needs, with choices ranging from interior layout and finishes to rigging and navigation equipment.

In addition, yachts of Garcia Yachts are known for their exceptional sailing characteristics. These yachts are designed to deliver optimum performance both on the open sea and in coastal waters. They have excellent seakeeping, stability and speed, allowing sailors to enjoy every sailing trip with confidence, whatever the conditions.

Finally, Garcia Yachts has a strong focus on innovation. The company is constantly striving for improvement and is always looking for new technologies and materials to further improve the performance of their yachts. This enables them to provide sailors with state-of-the-art sailing yachts that push the boundaries of possibilities.

In short, Garcia Yachts distinguishes itself through uncompromising quality, customization options, excellent sailing characteristics and continuous innovation. For sailing enthusiasts looking for an exceptional sailing experience, Garcia Yachts offers the perfect combination of craftsmanship, performance and individuality.

DOEVE Brokers and Valuers is your dedicated yacht broker for sailing yachts built by Garcia Yachts. For further information about the sale of your Garcia or if you wish to purchase a Garcia, please contact us.